Friday, March 4, 2011

Sustainable Cabinetry

Virtually all cabinetry is manufactured with industrial materials and processes that are resistant to sustainable practices. You have to look beneath the surface to evaluate the real story behind the hype. This article from EBuild magazine spells out many of the issues. Perfect sustainability is not possible. As a consumer, you have to think about what are the most important issues for you. Recycled content? FSC certified wood products? Low or Zero VOC finishes? Or do you want to look deeper into a particular manufacturer's process? How do they handle waste? How do they heat their buildings? Do you want complete lifecycle analysis?
ONe cabinet manufacturer we like is Holiday Kitchens, they have a good style selection and mid-range prices. Our friends at Terrene have checked out their sustainability practices and found them in line with best practices for the industry.

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